How Much Do Employers Expect You to Know of Their Company

what do you know about our company sample answers

Employers love to ask, "what practice y'all know well-nigh our company?" in the job interview.

At that place are a few things they want to hear, and a few things they do *not* desire to hear.

And so in this article, I'chiliad going to reveal how to give a great reply to this question… while fugitive the potential traps and mistakes that can cost you the job.

Then we'll await at 3 sample answers for "what do you know most our company?" and then you tin practice and come up with your own answer.

Let'southward get started.

Why Interviewers Ask "What Exercise You Know Most Our Visitor?"

There are a couple of reasons why employers inquire this question in interviews.

The get-go reason is they want to brand sure you did some research before applying. They don't want someone who's applying to 200 positions per day without even looking or caring what type of job they get.

Why? Well, employers want someone who will be motivated and piece of work hard in their task. And they figure if you have thought about your job search and have specific reasons for applying, then y'all're more likely to really like their job.

Whereas, if yous're just applying randomly to as many jobs as you can find online, there's a greater take a chance y'all won't like their job… which means yous might exit, lose motivation, etc.

That'due south how employers see information technology.

Then companies Ever want someone who'south being careful and selective in their job search.

If you don't know annihilation almost their company, why did you want to interview? Or how practise you know you won't hate working for them?

And so they ask, "what do you know about the company?" to see how much research and preparation you've washed for this interview. And to print them, you need to be fix to go specific and name facts and details yous read nigh their company.

Now let's look at how…

How to Reply "What Do Yous Know About Our Company?"

The best way to answer, "what practise y'all know about our visitor?" is to proper name specific facts you found while researching the visitor that demonstrate you understand their business organization and got to know their organization before applying. You can name facts you discovered on the visitor website, social media channels, news articles and more than.

Hither's an example of what a good answer will sound like. We'll expect at more than sample answers later on in the article, likewise.

"What do you know about the company" example reply:

"I read on your website that you're one of the height data security companies in the US, and that you serve more 40 Fortune 500 companies including some of the biggest tech companies like Microsoft and IBM. I also read a recent news commodity that mentioned yous're looking to expand into providing these services for financial institutions as well. Is that right? And tin yous tell me more almost that?"

This is a swell sample answer for, "what do you know nigh this company?" because it shows yous did research and are able to name specific facts nigh their company. You're as well going to stand up out by ending your answer with a question for the interviewer.

This turns the interview into more of a dorsum-and-forth conversation which will aid the hiring director see you equally a colleague – and someone they should hire!

What NOT to Say in Your Answer

There are a couple of things that will definitely not impress the interviewer when they ask "what practise you know well-nigh our visitor?"

If you know absolutely nothing, it'll impale your chances at getting the job.

If you did no inquiry and try to lie and embrace it up, it's fifty-fifty worse. So make sure you actually know a few things about the visitor. Information technology only takes 5 minutes of inquiry to ready for this question.

And finally, saying things that aren't authentic or right will likewise hurt your chances of getting hired.

Information technology's better to know i or two facts that you're sure about than to walk into the interview with x facts and get half of them incorrect.

So keep it simple and only know 2-3 bones facts nearly the company.

Facts to Mention When Answering This Question

I mentioned above it only takes a few minutes of skillful research to have a few facts you lot tin can answer with.

Simply what exactly should yous look for, and where?

To set for this question, I recommend going on the company website and looking for:

  • What do they sell or how practise they brand money?
  • Who is their typical customer?
  • Approximately how many employees do they have?
  • When were they founded?
  • Who are some of their biggest competitors, and exercise they do anything to differentiate themselves?
  • Do they have a mission statement on the company website? What is information technology?

Those are just a few examples. You can enquiry other areas of the company too. You only demand a couple  of facts you can reply with when they inquire this question.

Just show them you read virtually them and know the company you're interviewing with. That's the goal.

Employ their social media profiles to try to learn more about the company.

Yous might observe some unique information hither nearly recent developments, and mentioning this can help yous stand out from other job seekers when you reply what yous know most the company.

Search Google News for the company name.

This volition assist you observe even more relevant, new data about the company like new projects, announcements, growth reports, and other great information yous can name to testify that you took the time to know their company.

Sample Interview Answers for "What Do You lot Know About Our Company?

Now that you know what to say, and what not to say, let's wait at more sample interview answers for when they ask what you know about their visitor.

We looked at one example answer earlier, but I want to give y'all a few more so y'all tin be 100% confident that your ain answer sounds right.

These are all good answers that would impress the interviewer. Try to come with an answer similar to these when you prepare for your interview.

"What do you know virtually our visitor" sample answer #ane:

"I know you're 1 of the biggest providers of payroll software, and you were founded in 2012 when your CEO realized many small businesses spend far more than they should on payroll, which hurts their growth. The story on your website's "virtually us" folio was interesting, and it seems similar there'south a large demand for this product based on how quickly you've grown. I read that you doubled in size last yr, and you are on track to practise it over again this twelvemonth."

"What exercise y'all know virtually our company" sample answer #two:

"I know that your company is ane of the largest investment banks in the U.s.. Your headquarters is in Raleigh, NC, and y'all have 25,000 employees worldwide based on what I read on your website. I've known virtually your company for a couple of years now because I've been working in this aforementioned industry. Your company is 1 of the names I recall of in this industry, which is why I was excited to apply for this job when I saw information technology posted on your website."

If you lot follow the example answers above, show them you've done your research and know what blazon of company you're interviewing with, yous'll exercise fine on this question.

This is non one of the more difficult interview questions to answer, and as long as your response sounds similar to the 2 sample answers we just looked at, then yous'll impress the employer.

OneUndercover Strategy to Stand Out when Answering, "What Do You lot Know About the Company?"

You now know the basics of how to answer this interview question. Nonetheless, there'southward i tactic yous tin can employ to actually make them love you when you answer this.

Here information technology is…

If you lot can compliment them or show exactly why you were excited to apply for their job and interview at their company, it'll make your respond even better.

You'll notice this is happening in sample answer #2 to a higher place.

When you tell a hiring manager, "Your visitor is i of the names I call back of in this industry," it's a huge compliment.

It's going to make them experience proud about working for this visitor, and information technology's going to reassure them that you'll be motivated and piece of work hard in this job!

There are 5 major things that hiring managers expect for in interviews, and one of the biggest is: How badly do you desire this job?

Well-nigh chore seekers think about proving they can exercise the job. But employers won't rent you unless you lot likewise evidence youwant the task.

Employers are TERRIFIED of hiring someone who quits after a few months, doesn't attempt hard, brings a toxic mental attitude, etc… even if yous have the necessary feel.

Don't give a compliment that isn't truthful, though…

If y'all're talking to a bank with fewer than 150 employees and you tell them they're ane of the biggest names you know in banking, they're going to think you're crazy.

There are a lot of ways to compliment a visitor, so pick one that's true. Information technology doesn't accept to be their size. You lot can say, "I know somebody who used to work here, and they had great things to say nearly your visitor culture and how you lot back up your employees."

You lot could compliment them for being well-known in the local community if that's true. You tin compliment them on their rapid growth if they're a minor business firm but growing fast (You'd discover this type of info past searching the company on Google News, etc.)

It all comes back to showing yous've done research and are really excited to be talking to this company. That'south how to get them excited to talk to you!

If you follow the steps and sample answers above, you'll have a winning answer for, "what exercise you know about our company?"

Answering "What Practice You lot Know Near Our Company" – Quick Instructions

  1. Option ii or 3 specific facts near the company that yous tin can tell the interviewer
  2. You lot can enquiry facts on the visitor website, social media profiles, or past searching the company proper noun in Google News
  3. Keep your reply brusk and concise; it's better to name two facts that y'all know extremely well than to mention five or vi facts that aren't 100% accurate
  4. Consider ending your answer with a question directed dorsum at the interviewer. This volition plow the interview into a more than relaxed, dorsum-and-along chat
  5. Never say that you aren't sure or don't know anything about the visitor. This will get you rejected in the interview
  6. Try to compliment the visitor when answering what you know nearly them. You can do this by naming something they're well-known or well-respected for
  7. Practice your answer; nothing comes out perfect the first time


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