How to Write Materials of Art Piece on Resume

Artists tin work in and then many industries and brandish their art only still need a well-established network to create demand for their work. They constantly accept to use for fine art awards, exhibitions, option committees, and grants to build their portfolio.

Having a resume that stands out in add-on to an impressive portfolio sets you lot apart from other candidates. You tin can utilise our art resume examples to assist you create a resume that gets you the best opportunities if you don't know where to commencement.

A practiced creative person resume allows the hiring director to understand how adept yous are as an artist. It allows you to attend juried exhibitions, residency programs, and gallery shows that allow you to network with fellow artists.

Here is a guide to assistance you create an artist resume that stands out.

How Do I Structure My Art Resume?

Artist resumes should exist properly structured and piece of cake to read. While a standard resume for other careers is usually one page long, artist resumes tend to be 2 to iii pages long. This is because they incorporate a list of achievements that need to be detailed, making it longer.

Writing art resumes or cover letters is not an piece of cake task for every person. This is why you should consider going through artist resume examples or using the perfect cv template to write an creative person resume. Cheque out our resume examples to view a sample resume.

1 of the almost important things to consider is the format. A poorly formatted artist resume will have you losing out on many opportunities that could do good your career. A resume structure like the opposite-chronological social club is perfect for your art resume. This format allows yous to showcase your best work first and is considered the correct resume format past most hiring managers.

Your creative person resume should take the following sections

  • Header. This contains your name and contact data (Phone number, email address, and mailing address). It should also accept a link to your online portfolio or personal website.
  • Artist resume summary. The summary statement explains how you benefited your previous visitor with your skills and how yous volition benefit the visitor you lot want to work for. If you do non have a lot of experience y'all should add a resume objective.
  • Work experience. In this section, you lot should include the jobs yous have done relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Instruction section. This is where you write the schools you attended, the courses and degrees earned, and the year of completion.
  • Skills. Mention all your skills in this section, including the technical skills, and list them down using bullet points.
  • Exhibitions/ Grants and Awards. This section is for mentioning competitions, grants, exhibitions, corporate collections and any other recognitions.
  • Professional affiliations. These include any professional organizations you belong to. Talk near the positions you held, and if you served as a volunteer, requite that information.

Provide a Meaningful Creative person Statement

The artist summary statement works as a sales pitch for your artist resume. If yous are applying for a full-time task, grants, or residency programs, having a stiff summary statement or resume objective helps your artist resume. This section is optional, and not all artist resumes accept summary statements as seen in some resume templates.

You should go along this section short and sweet, as seen in most art resume samples. It should highlight the relevant experience that makes you the best fit and shows the hiring manager how your career goals align with the position.



Right example

Highly defended and skilled visual creative person with eight+ years of feel in various creative mediums. Highly skilled in adobe illustrator and volition utilize my art skills to enhance projects visually. Awarded the best illustrator honor at the 2017 CCA Illustration awards held at the Lee Hansley Gallery.


Incorrect case

Creative visual artist seeking residency positions. I accept previously washed two solo exhibitions, created my outset steel sculpture and excel in collaborative projects.


The education section is important to include on your artist resume as most potential employers require educational qualifications, specially in full-time jobs. Some artistic resume templates do not accept this section since some jobs in the art manufacture do not focus on educational activity. Check out our resume templates .

This section on your creative resume should include the post-obit:

  • The Degree Earned
  • Name of college/University
  • Appointment of Graduation or range of years you attended school

It is essential to check the job responsibilities to meet the educational qualifications the task you are applying for requires. Once you know what they need, tailor your artist cv to match what they need. If you are an entry-level junior artist who has not graduated, include this section and list the schoolhouse, expected engagement of graduation, and degree type.


BA in Fine Arts
London's Royal College of Art

  • Excelled in the daily art classes.
  • Received the Grain Artistic scholarship to study fine arts.
  • Gained in-depth cognition in oil painting and visual arts.

BFA, Character Blitheness
San Francisco School of Moving picture/Video

  • Learned various filmmaking techniques and elements
  • Awarded best storyteller in my Motion capture class
  • Created the best product model in my 3D animation class.

Professional Experience

The work experience section on your art resume is vital, and at that place are many factors to consider when deciding what to include. The creative person job you lot are applying for and the amount of experience yous have in the fine art industry should be at the top of your list.

The job history on your art resume should be relevant to the task y'all are applying for as seen in any perfect artist resume sample. I have seen artistic resumes that were rejected because they did not accept the relevant piece of work experience. Always list your most contempo job start in the work experience section and lucifer it to the job description.

If you are attending group exhibitions, a solo exhibition, or a grant, you lot can push this section down in your art resume. You can also utilise an artist resume template or resume builder to guide you on creating an art resume that is specific to the job yous are applying for.

If you are applying for a job every bit an artist, yous will need a resume that stands out. Any experience in an creative environment is worth mentioning in your resume. If you've worked with a graphic designer, this work history can assistance your curriculum vitae stand out.


Fine art teacher
Norton Art College

  • Trained 20+ art students each term, covering courses in color theory, painting, and figure cartoon.
  • Taught an later-school program for not-art students, which led to six students joining my fine art class.
  • Observed and evaluated my pupil'south piece of work and made it a point to see each of them once a week for thirty minutes.

Art Director
A-Hat Advert Agency

  • Developed photoshoot concepts and directed the shoots equally part of the marketing campaign leading to a 40% increase in sales.
  • Assisted in the designing of materials used in communication and marketing during events.
  • Helped art students promote their work at a local commercial gallery every bit part of my mentorship programme.

List Your Achievements: Exhibitions, Grants, and Awards

The achievements section is an of import department that should be on whatever artistic resume. The section gives y'all a chance to impress the hiring director with your awards, honors, and professional affiliations. However, don't try to put everything you've ever done on your creative person resume, especially if information technology's non relevant.

This section, equally seen in well-nigh art resume samples, should exist in the contrary-chronological order. While list your grants, awards, and honors, arrange them according to their level of importance. Beginning with the year yous received the award, fellowship, or laurels and the name of the award. Lastly, add together the name of the institution that granted the award.

Your exhibitions are besides listed in this section but can be listed as a dissever section on your art resume. Y'all can list them in a single department or group them into sub-sections depending on your exhibition experience. Some of the exhibitions include a ii-person exhibition, a solo exhibition, collaborative projects, and grouping exhibitions.

If the artistic resume is supposed to be brief, add just your most impressive exhibitions and include the testify'due south title, the twelvemonth, the name, and venue. An artist resume template may also have a bibliography that involves television and radio interviews yous have been featured in.

What Skills to Put on an Art Resume?

If yous talk to a certified professional person résumé writer, they will tell you lot that it'south of import to check the chore description earlier adding whatever skills to your artist cv or cover letters. Most hiring managers apply software to filter out candidates who don't have the required qualifications. If y'all are applying for a job as an art instructor just fail to add together the required skills stated in the job description, you might lose the opportunity.

It too helps to look at art resume samples to have an thought of the skills the chore you are applying for requires and tailor your resume accordingly. Mention your creative skills and whatsoever fine art-related skills you take, and be specific.

If you lot are good with adobe illustrator , mention it in the skills section. If the task you lot are applying for could benefit from soft skills such as communication and creativity, do include them in your artist resume. A skilful creative person resume example normally has a mixture of hard and soft skills in the skills section.

Here is a listing of some practiced skills to have on your art resume

  • Cartoon skills
  • Painting skills
  • Sculpting skills
  • Music composition skills
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Maya
  • VFX
  • Customer service
  • Communication
  • 3D Artwork

Mistakes to Avoid in an Art Resume

Unless you lot are a certified professional person résumé writer, you will probably make a mistake when creating your creative person resume or cover letter. These mistakes are sometimes and so small and skid through our eyes simply cost us large opportunities. Allow's wait at some of the mistakes y'all should avoid when writing your creative person resume.

Failing to customize your resume to the job you lot are applying for

This is the most common error in resume writing. A hiring director wants to see an artist resume that shows them you lot are a perfect fit for the job.
If you ship a generic resume that you can use to use for any job, you might miss out on your dream job. Ever read through the task responsibilities and chore championship and include all the relevant information in your artist cv.
If you lot are sending a cover letter, ensure that it is also tailored to the job you are applying for. The perfect embrace letter template will help you create a good comprehend letter of the alphabet to accompany your artistic resume.

Typos and grammatical errors in your artist resume

Typos and grammatical errors are other mutual but plush mistakes in resume writing. These errors turn off whatsoever hiring manager as they testify them yous lack attention to detail. Always check your artist resume and embrace letter before sending it out, and ask a friend or mentor to cheque it as well to ensure the grammar is perfect.

Failing to include your contact information

This should be ane of the first things you add together to your resume in the header department. If you don't include the contact information, the hiring manager cannot reach yous fifty-fifty if y'all are 1 of the nigh experienced artists. It is always crucial to double-check that you have included the correct contact information on your creative person resume.

Using the wrong format on your resume

It is always important to employ the right resume format when you are creating your artist resume. The perfect resume template volition work as the perfect guide for your resume. You tin can also check multiple art resume samples to assistance you write your artist resume if you are not sure well-nigh the format.

Art resume examples

Frequently Asked Questions

ane. How to listing an associate of arts degree on your resume?

An associate of arts degree should be listed in the teaching section of your artist resume. It is always amend to write the full name of the caste instead of abbreviating it to ensure it is clear to the recruiter. Start with the name of the associate degree, college attended, and the years you were in school.

2. How to write a Available of Arts degree on your resume?

A Bachelor'south degree goes to the education section of your artist resume. Start with the Available'due south degree earned, the college/university attended, and the range of years in school. While a Bachelor of Arts degree is abbreviated as (BA), it is ever better to write it in full in your artist resume.

3. What can yous practise with an art caste?

The skills you learn equally you pursue your art degree are transferable to many dissimilar sectors. Some of the careers yous tin can pursue include photographer, Graphic designer, Studio Art Director, Professional artist, illustrator, art teacher, then many others.

4. What is the best length of the art resume?

An art resume is usually longer than a standard resume with two to three pages. If a job you lot are applying for requires an artist resume that is ane page long, you will have to include the most of import information.

five. How should I list awards on my art resume?

Your awards are listed in the awards and achievements section at the bottom of your artist resume. Once you lot make your listing of awards, mention the nigh relevant ones on your artist resume. Start with the engagement or twelvemonth y'all received the award, the reason or importance of the award, and don't forget to mention the telescopic of the honor (regional, international or national).


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